Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not much time today

Whoo ten min blog!! Mondays and Wednesdays are my busiest day of the week and it is Wednesday so jump jump jump.

Lots on my mind today but my main one is that I get do some of my profession!! I am a massage therapist and being a male in this profession in this city....isn't the easiest thing. So much competition. So many broke college students.

Thus!! I have to play around with Ideas or pricing to make it affordable and...a little bit profitable. So I'm doing free chair massages at a Cafe! (profitable? no. But thats ok) So any of you who are on my facebook should already know where and if not look! I'm going to be there every Wednesday between those times.

Also. I am attempting to build my clientele and looking for Idea to solicit my services (massage services...). Any Ideas would be wonderful! You can comment below, text me or message me on Facebook all of those would be a valid way to communicate with me. Oh and also a call could work too I suppose. All Ideas would be appreciated!!

Time to bolt! Good day people!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

random rant thing

hmm what should I talk about today? I went to work, twice, and had dinner and am now here. blablablabla.

Aha inspiration. Relationships. What are they for? Are they good for anything? After Caleb blogged about it today I started thinking about who are my friends, if I have any.

What is a friend to me? Some one who puts in enough effort to get my attention and applies that energy to get to know me. I like to know I'm loved and that is one of the ways that I "feel" it. And as they put their time into me, I put my time into them. Isn't that what a real friendship is? Just figuring out another person and having a common object, by which, the two share?

By that definition, I have very few people who are my friends. My fiance, my roommate, a person or two that I was just chemically bound to. That's it. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining by any means, it's just a thought that came to mind. Now if those people are my only friends then what about everyone I know? What category do they fall under?

Acquaintances.  Hundreds of them. And lots of them think they are my friend. Hmm. What happened? Did I become worthless? Or are people just uncaring? OR something else?

To be honest, I feel alone. When I'm not with my fiance or focused on God I don't know what to do with myself. Now I said "feel" because I have yet to determine whether this is the truth or not but my feelings do not lie to my senses thus this is it is in my reality as of the moment.

As Caleb put it, "Why do we have "friends"" Is it due to the incompetency of others? Yourself? I think we are built to be with people, even when you get fully annoyed by them.

Think about it, If we lived by ourselves,
  1. what would we know? 
  2. How would we learn?
  3. How could be determine reality?
  4. Could we function?
  5. Whats the point of personality if, in fact, we are built to be alone?
  6. this world would be pointless.
Yes, pointless. The world is not here just to accomplish a monotonous series of tasks by people who have a mind of their own. What would the people with creative personalities do if there was no music? no art? Probably go insane, but both of those devices are there to share with people and coincidentally can be the mutual ground to create a friendship.

So what happens, after you've actually made a friend of course, do you do when they aggravate you? Just get under your skin? Well you can do what a good chunk of people have done to me and run away. Or you can stay and deal with it just 'cause what is the point of running? Nothing. At. All. Talk about it, fight it through but don't leave each others company over something frivolous.

Where will my mind go next? Find out next time!

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Curse

So in my first post, one of the things that I told you all about me is that I am Empathic. The ability to perceive and feel the circumstance of another human being is how experience has defined it for me; otherwise known as, a curse.

It has its benefits, being able to actually understand where a person is coming from and helping them out is a great thing! However, when you are not in a position to help a person, say at work or needing to accomplish a tedious task, it becomes difficult as you start pulling in their emotions. I've been told, " Aaron, you can turn this off. Why do you continue to make it an excuse?" or "Stop trying to read me, its all you do." well,
   1. It isn't in my control. To me it is as involuntary as breathing is. All it requires me to do is look at someone and I begin to pull in their emotions, that my inner core begins to feel like theirs. It feels as if what ever secret that they hide becomes evident to me and as I begin the process of removing their emotions from my body, I feel....them. I start to understand them just a little bit better.
   2. I don't express many emotions on my own. I'm a fairly outgoing person that can have fun, but that's my shallow side. I can, usually, mold my personality to any situation but that is my personality not my emotions. If anyone cares to spend enough time, they will learn that I focus on logic itself. That point A leads to point B and the basic ideas of cause and effect. Furthermore, because of that, when it comes to my own personal assessment of my personality and my actions I usually am straight to the point and blunt about my observations

Maybe thats why I'm take in what I lack? Now don't get me wrong, I do have emotions, they are very deep and I have to be worked up over something that I care greatly for. But the common person will not see them.

What am I talking about... *sigh* I don't know.... I have so much that goes through my mind that I don't know what to sort through. Thus, I apologize if I seem to be jumping around in my topics in the future. I'm trying to sort through my ideas even as I'm writing them down so it won't always make sense. And Thank GOD for spell check! My blog would be unreadable if that didn't exist.

Day 2

Sunday, January 15, 2012


So lately I've been trying to come to terms with the idea of value. Not per say mine, but in general.

I was recently watching a political documentary (ya I know, politics....) and as I was watching this movie that seemed to be detailing the progressive front of how they have begun the process of socialism even from the 50's and 60's it made me ponder; what do we all believe in now?

The movie shows the beginning of Marxism and how it bred Communism and the people that are bringing socialism to our wonderful capitalistic society.  That this was no conspiracy for a conspiracy is a pact made by two people made in secret. No, they have laid out their entire game plan in books for all to see, that their subvert tactics have been known all along but nothing had been done about it.

Politics....I hate politics! Why would I make this my first blog? Who knows...but I do know that I'm not the minority of my generation who hates politics. I've come to realize that, most of my generation believes that we have no ability to change our Country, that we were born in this mess and now have to wait it out (I still hold onto this Idea).

What else have we come to just accept as reality?
What rational mind has been forgotten to be passed onto us?
Do we accept too much?

One thing that popped into my head is self-value, why do soOOO many people not have it? An idea that I have is the one of personal interest. What the hell does that mean Aaron? Good question. I'm still trying to figure it out myself but here we go.

People have become self obsessed about the saddest things,
  • Does he/she like me?
  • I'm fat....must lose weight
  • Man am I hideous
  • the obsession of their current title maker (e.g. girlfriend, boyfriend, lover etc) 
  • I don't make enough money
  • I'm not good enough

I'm not calling any of you out by any means, those were just a few that I could think about. However, going back to that list I'm going to focus on the last on "I'm not good enough."

Those. Are. Powerful. Words. Not many people can even begin to understand how they got to that place or even how to get out other than that they are there. I believe that it can come from a focus on the superficial (again something I hate) because if you think about it when you only focus on the external characteristics of people, you will always find someone who is,
  • better looking than you
  • smarter than you
  • richer than you
  • stronger than you
  • faster than you
  • more charismatic
and yet why do we focus on it if we know that we will always find someone better than you? Maybe its just our culture, that, in it, we have been raised to believe that we have no worth except our external and have been constantly informed of that belief through the use of media and other people.

Do you know what can abolish that insecurity? Find out your values. No, I'm talking about brushing your teeth or wearing clothing. I'm talking about your own answers to the basic questions that make us apart of humanity.
  1. Do I believe in a God? If yes, which one? If no, where is my evidence?
  2. Where does my purpose come from? Do I have one? 
  3. Do you believe life to be sacred? Or removed easily?
  4. What am I? What does the world say about me? What do I want to become?
  5. What kind of personality do I have? Could I change it? Do I live according to it?
  6. How do I view other people?
  7. Do I make excuses for things? Or do I live with integrity/by my words?
  8. Do I strive to help people or aim to damage them?

I know that it has been a long winded blog and I apologize but thank you for reading. For now I am finished. See you soon.

So much for a New Years resolution

Hello all. My name is Aaron, and it is wonderful to meet you all. First and foremost, as the URL insinuates, this will be a device to vent, sort and play with things that go inside my mind. I am not usually an angry or an upset person but this blog will most likely have a couple of those times when I rage on someone. 

So I guess the first thing in for me to do is explain me....this'll be fun. 
  •  I am a christian, I do sin. Hypocrisy is, sadly, a normal thing
  • I do not like the frivolousness of this world or how it has done a wonderful job of making people believe that it only knows the reality of life
  • I am a musician which explains my insanity
  • Thinking is what I like to do (and saying I'm up at 5 in the morning and people don't like to start talking till bout 9, it gives me plenty of time to do it)
  • I like to view myself as empathic, meaning; I see you, feel what you are feeling and can come to your side and be a support. 
  • I'm engaged to my beautiful bride to be =)
  • I don't tend to think about light things, I do not care about the shallow but the more profound things of the mind and heart  

For now, that will be enough of a base for you to relate. 

Introduction began. Ready for my thoughts?